Sla filters overAdvanced AI in Business Analytics
Find out how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could help you to get better predictions, analytics and insights.
AI Prompting & Tools
Learn how to create smart prompts within tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney and many others.
CCXP Exam Preparation & CX Fundamentals
A two-day training designed to thoroughly prepare you in English for the CCXP exam, which is also onducted in English.
Data Visualization – EN
By creating reports, presentations and dashboards you learn to make your data transparent.
Design Thinking
Learn to achieve innovative results with the combination of creative and analytical thinking.
Digital Marketing Strategy & Leadership
In 12 sessions we’ll go the extra mile to help you become a digital leader.
Google Ads
Learn how to set up a successful Google Ads campaign (incl. SEA) and optimise it based on analyses.
Google Analytics 4
Get started with your own Google Analytics 4 (GA4) account, from setup to custom reports.